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900Mhz Protocol

Verdant’s Proprietary 900MHz Communication Protocol

All Verdant thermostats and accessories are networked and automatically form a deep mesh network, thereby enabling centralized control of all thermostats in a building from a cloud-based owner console. 

All thermostats and accessories communicate via 900MHz (RF) to one another, and each thermostat acts as a node in the network, thereby boosting the signal throughout the building.  The data from each thermostat is received by the Online Connection Kit (OL-KT), which is hard-wired via ethernet cable to an open internet port on property. 

The 900MHz Communication Protocol carries many distinct advantages: 

No dependence on Wi-Fi

Internet bandwidth is a precious commodity in many hotels. In multifamily buildings, a central Wi-Fi network is usually not feasible due to cost and installation considerations. Verdant’s 900MHz protocol foregoes the need for Wi-Fi, allowing buildings owners to install a virtually wireless centralized energy management system.

Penetrate Thick Building Materials

The lower frequency radio waves at 900MHz are significantly more effective at penetrating building materials than other systems leveraging Wi-Fi or Zigbee and are not susceptible to interference from other devices operating at the same frequency.


Less Hardware & Networking Equipment

Other energy management systems that leverage the Zigbee protocol for centralized control typically require numerous wired networking devices, either spread on each floor, or based on the total number of thermostats in the building.

Conversely, one Verdant Online Connection Kit can accommodate up to 1,000 thermostats – more than enough for a typical building.

Verdant 900MHz Protocol vs. Z-Wave 

Z-Wave is a communication protocol commonly used for home automation to connect a variety of devices, including smart thermostats, locks, lights, and other smart devices.

While Z-Wave and Verdant’s communication protocol are similar in that they both operate in the 900MHz frequency range (in North America), there is one significant difference.


The typical Z-Wave setup includes a hub in each home/unit. While this may be practical in single-family homes, it does represent additional costs in a multifamily development of several hundred units.

Conversely, Verdant’s typical multifamily installation involves one online connection kit for an entire building, with inter-device communication happening using Zigbee Protocol, or through API integration.

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