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Smartphone App
Verdant Smartphone App for Hospitality
App Download
The Verdant smartphone app can be found under the name “Verdant EMS” in both Android and Apple app stores.
Hotel operators with a subscription to the Verdant EI™ energy management optimization service can access the Verdant smartphone app to monitor operations at their property. Verdant customers without a subscription to Verdant EI™ cannot access the app before purchasing a subscription.
App Features
The Savings module allows users to monitor their estimated dollar savings for a given time period (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly)
The Operations module allows users to make limited settings changes to individual thermostats at their property, such as setpoint overrides and VIP mode for temporary disabling of energy management features.
The Occupancy module provides real-time occupancy status for each unit at a property. This functionality is particularly useful to housekeeping and maintenance employees to facilitate their entry into rooms without disturbing occupants.